Post Tagged with: "Hawaii"


The North – Slow Down [This Isn’t the Mainland] (2014)

Through delectably fluid lines and beautiful unison playing, the North debut strong with Slow Down (This Isn’t the Mainland). You May Also Like: The Word [Robert Randolph, John Medeski + North Mississippi All-Stars], “When I See the Blood” from Soul Food (2015)


Merrell Fankhauser – Rainbow Bridge Revisited (2013)

Less than two months before he left his earthly body for greener pastures on September 18, 1970, guitar god Jimi Hendrix played a free concert on the slopes of Haleakala, a volcano located in Maui, Hawaii You May Also Like: Calling From a Star: The Merrell Fankhauser Story, by MerrellRead More


Sarah Maisel – In the Moment (2011)

Here on the new album from Sarah Maisel, we’re serenaded with interpretations from a broad scope of genres. The method in which Sarah performs these tunes is strictly that of the easy-listening mold. But what causes the songs to be different from the usual undertakings of such a style isRead More