Post Tagged with: "Haiti"


Karlex – Paris, New York, Port-au-Prince (2013)

Sounding something like reggae dub, Paris, New York, Port-au-Prince blends Bob Marley-style political sentiments and thunking music hall beats — with Karlex’s spoken-more-than-sung vocals as the centering point. You May Also Like: Prince Recalled Past Glories on ’20Ten,’ But Then Made the Same Mistakes


Vo-Duo – Nou La (2013)

To commence Nou La, Vo-Duo sends blessings to the sacred heart of the Asoto drum, to the spirits and finally to the listeners. This modest, exquisite acapella piece, called “Bonjou,” foretells the loveliness and sanctity to come. You May Also Like: David Philips + Abel Boquera – ‘The Duo Sessions’Read More