Post Tagged with: "Geddy Lee"

How the Holocaust Shaped One of Rock's Signature Bands

How the Holocaust Shaped One of Rock’s Signature Bands

Rush legend Geddy Lee was born 70 years ago to a gutsy pair of World War II-era survivors: “Out of this horrible thing came – me!”

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With 'Clockwork Angels'

How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With ‘Clockwork Angels’

Sadly, ‘Clockwork Angels’ arrived 10 years ago as their final studio effort. But this was no mere shelf-filler: This was pure Rush.


Geddy Lee admits he has no idea why Rush suddenly became cool: ‘It’s hard for me to have perspective’

What changed? Lee isn’t exactly sure. But he’s got a theory or two.

Time is right for in-depth look back at Rush's self-titled 1974 debut

Time is right for in-depth look back at Rush’s self-titled 1974 debut

It may be hard to believe that Rush’s debut album is 40 years old this year, but it’s also sometimes kind of hard to believe it’s really Rush on this album. You May Also Like: How Rush Finished at the Top of Their Game With ‘Clockwork Angels’ How the HolocaustRead More


‘We liked them’: You won’t believe this dead-on Rush imitation from Kiss’ Gene Simmons

When Rush opened for Kiss in 1974-75, one of them was the biggest band in the world and the other had Geddy Lee on vocals. You May Also Like: No related posts.


Streams: Preview the long-awaited remix of Rush’s 2002 reunion project Vapor Trails

Can’t wait for the badly needed — no, really, very badly — remix of Rush’s Vapor Trails? Here are 12 striking audio samples to tide you over until the updated disc arrives You May Also Like: David Crosby, “Amelia” from ‘Sky Trails’ (2017): One Track Mind Metallica’s Remix of “SomeRead More


How Yes Legend Chris Squire Almost Helmed Rush’s ‘Grace Under Pressure’

Did Yes’ Chris Squire — a notable influence on bassist Geddy Lee — almost end up producing Rush’s Grace Under Pressure back in 1984? In a new Q&A posted at Yes’ official site, Squire says he was part of a group of potential candidates to helm the project that alsoRead More


‘Not ostentatious, but very important’: Rush’s Geddy Lee on an underrated part of Paul McCartney’s legend

Rush’s Geddy Lee has often mentioned Paul McCartney as an influence in his style of up front, song-defining bass playing. Here, he goes in depth on what makes the former Beatles star’s playing so underrated. You May Also Like: Paul McCartney, “Hey Hey” from Pipes of Peace (1983): One TrackRead More


‘The next day, I can’t talk’: As Rush retakes the road, Geddy Lee forced to build in downtime

To think, not long ago Rush was talking about slowing down. Instead, the group has issued a return-to-form concept album, launched a smash tour and earned long-awaited entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Retirement? These guys? You May Also Like: How the Holocaust Shaped One of Rock’sRead More


‘Things have changed for us’: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame nod just part of the growing buzz around Rush

Rush was already becoming something of a next-gen cultural phenomenon, even before its recent nomination for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. You May Also Like: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Open Letter: Stop Being the Old Boys’ Club Every Copy of Rush’s ‘Roll the Bones’ Reveals SomethingRead More