Post Tagged with: "Ethan Keller"


Ethan Keller – Dead Man Dancing (2016)

‘Dead Man Dancing’ is Ethan Keller up close and personal, warts and all. And you know what? He’s still sounding good.


Ethan Keller wants to release FIVE albums this year…but needs your help!

Milwaukee hero Ethan Keller will issue five albums this year with just a little help from you.


Ethan Keller, “Lost Dog” (2015): One Track Mind

With tasteful horns and a fine lead guitar, Ethan Keller delivers another delicious musical Scooby snack with his new folk-rock tune, “Lost Dog.”

S. Victor Aaron’s Mid-Year Best of 2013  (Non-Jazz): Harper/ Musselwhite, Robben Ford, Tommy Malone

S. Victor Aaron’s Mid-Year Best of 2013 (Non-Jazz): Harper/ Musselwhite, Robben Ford, Tommy Malone

If you were to go back and check the choices I made at the middle of 2012 for non-jazz albums released the first six months of that year, you’d find the artists being awarded were among the biggest hitmakers You May Also Like: How Robben Ford’s ‘The Inside Story’ IntroducedRead More


Ethan Keller – Goin’ Down In History, Goin’ Down In Flames (2013)

Making an audacious statement like “goin’ down in history, goin’ down in flames,” can mean an act of desperation, going for broke, or just going all in. You May Also Like: Ethan Keller wants to release FIVE albums this year…but needs your help! Ethan Keller – Dead Man Dancing (2016)


Ethan Keller, “Goin’ Down in History, Goin’ Down in Flames” (2013): Exclusive stream

Milwaukee area favorite son Ethan Keller has made records first as the frontman for the funk-rock band Greenscene and later as a solo artist. We’ve traced that solo career here going back to 2006’s Face Light and on through 2010’s Profit. You May Also Like: Ethan Keller wants to releaseRead More


2010's top unsigned acts – well, OK, some of them, anyway

by Nick DeRiso Let’s get this admission out of the way: Picking the best of 2010’s unsigned treasures is like trying to determine your favorite grain of sand. There are far too many, really, to make any reasonable guess — and the whole time you’re walking around with a bucketRead More


Ethan Keller, “Fallen Idol” (2010): One Track Mind

“All eyes on the judges, who tabulate the score…” So where are we on this whole American Idol saga, anyway? I heard that Simon Cowell and Ellen Degeneres had vacated their judges’ chairs (this was the first I’ve heard of Degeneres even being on the show). And Kara DioGuardi wasRead More


Ethan Keller, “Rock and Rock Will Save Your Soul” (2010): One Track Mind

by Pico We’ve used this space for bringing telling the world about the recorded accomplishments of artists both popular and obscure, and for us, at least, the talented ones who haven’t emerged yet are usually the ones that are most fun to write about. With those types, there’s a greaterRead More


One Track Mind: Ethan Keller "Emmanuel" (2008)

by Pico Now with Thanksgiving and and that bloody shopping ritual called Black Friday behind us, the Christian season of Advent has begun. For the Catholic faith at least, it starts this Sunday, and lasts until Christmas Eve. This observation of the impending birth of Christ (and his second coming)Read More