Midnight North – Stayin’ Single, Drinkin’ Doubles EP (2015)
By embracing traditional sounds and executing them with vital energy, Midnight North has produced a record that stands on its own merits.
By embracing traditional sounds and executing them with vital energy, Midnight North has produced a record that stands on its own merits.
Just when you thought rock and roll has once and for all slipped into retirement, along comes the New Trocaderos to restore the faith
They had me at “Redneck Dragonslayer.”
It seems, finally, that Skid Row has found its way again.
In another time, this “concept” might have been shocking. Not anymore.
This long-awaited Hellbound Glory EP finds Leroy Virgil seemingly growing up. Is that a good thing?
“Simon Says” is a freaky, funky mix of Glenn Miller and Ice-T.
Down might be headed toward that rarest of beasts – an outstanding double album.
Bruce Springsteen’s American Beauty finishes with a multi-tracked solo celebration of 5 o’clock freedom, and a layered meditation on the shelter that love provides. But that’s not how it starts. You May Also Like: No related posts.
There’s a moment, just when you get comfortable with the idea that this is a paean to home, love and hearth, when Bruce Springsteen sharply widens the lens. All around this couple, despite the illusion of a cocoon of safety and of love, there are troubles, there are questions, thereRead More