Post Tagged with: "Eden Brent"


Half Notes: Eden Brent – Mississippi Number One (2008)

Spring has sprung and it’s time for some blues! Sure, true believers know that it’s always time for some blues. Well, this record from Yellow Dog artist Eden Brent is the kind of thing that just might create a few true believers. Brent has a beautifully soulful voice (with justRead More


Non-Jazz Favorites for 2010

by Mark Saleski Sometimes, a writer can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of releases that come along during the year. Look at those piles of CDs! It’s a fraction of what shows up on my desk over a 12-month timespan. As I said in my list of Jazz FavoritesRead More


Eden Brent – Ain't Got No Troubles (2010)

by Mark Saleski I wish I had a cool story about where I learned about the blues. I never had an older brother who gave me his Howlin’ Wolf records. There was no cousin who pointed out the line that runs backwards from Jimmy Page. Despite the early appearance ofRead More