Post Tagged with: "Dwight Yoakam"

'Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90': Movies

‘Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90’: Movies

‘Long Story Short: Willie Nelson 90’ was well-meaning, heartfelt, and often well-performed – but a few intangibles were lacking.


Dwight Yoakam, “Second Hand Heart” (2015): One Track Mind

On one level, it sounds like the Byrds. On another, Buck Owens. On another still, Gene Vincent. Keep going. At bottom, it’s uniquely Dwight Yoakam.


Pete Anderson – Birds Above Guitarland (2013)

Best known for his genre-shifting early collaborations with Dwight Yoakam, Pete Anderson has spent the last decade focusing on a solo career — and, with Birds Above Guitarland, the blues. You May Also Like: No related posts.


Dwight Yoakam – Guitars, Cadillacs, Etc. Etc. (1986): On Second Thought

Dwight Yoakam, even if you typically don’t like this kind of music, is country-mile cool