Post Tagged with: "Donald Fagen"


Steely Dan Sunday, "Maxine" (1982)

> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** We all like to think that Steely Dan’s music is distinguished by sly lyrics, complex harmonies, elite musicianship and sharp production. While those attributes might be found in nearly every Steely Dan song, the most instantly recognizable feature is not any of thoseRead More

Steely Dan Sunday, "Ruby Baby" (1982)

Steely Dan Sunday, “Ruby Baby” (1982)

For only the second — and last — time in this series, we’re discussing a cover song. When Fagen decided to theme an album on “certain fantasies that might have been entertained by a young man growing up in the remote suburbs of a northeastern city during the late ’50sRead More


Dukes of September [Donald Fagen / Michael McDonald / Boz Scaggs], July 14, 2012: Shows I’ll Never Forget

The Dukes of September gave middle-aged and empty-nesters another good reason to get out of the house and see a rock concert.


Steely Dan Sunday, “Green Flower Street” (1982)

“Green Flower Street” always reminds me of the similarly titled “Green Dolphin Street,” a song from the 1947 Lana Turner movie of the same name that Miles Davis turned in into a jazz standard when he first recorded it in the late 50s. You May Also Like: Donald Fagen, “TheRead More

Steely Dan Sunday: "I.G.Y." (1982)

Steely Dan Sunday: “I.G.Y.” (1982)

Steely Dan co-founder Donald Fagen’s first solo album is what I like to call his “George Harrison” moment.


Steely Dan Sunday, “True Companion” (1981)

> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** On June 21, 1981, Steely Dan had announced they were going on an indefinite hiatus, a culmination of the headaches and tragedies that coincided with the making of Gaucho. You May Also Like: Walter Becker, “Hard Up Case (Live at Slim’s 1995)” (2024):Read More


‘Toast to Freedom,’ With the Late Levon Helm: Something Else! Sneek Peek

Turns out Levon Helm had one more inspiring moment to give. The former singer and drummer of the Band helped facilitate a new all-star recording commemorating 50 years of Amnesty International in the time before cancer took his life. Nearly 50 artists contributed to this project, including Kris Kristofferson, WarrenRead More


Steely Dan's Donald Fagen to sit in for Levon Helm at Midnight Rambles in February