Post Tagged with: "Depeche Mode"


Depeche Mode – Delta Machine (2013)

With Depeche Mode’s forthcoming Delta Machine, David Gahan, Andy Fletcher and Martin Gore recall their greatest late-1980s successes. That they are largely no worse for the wear, in particular Gahan, is a wonder to behold. You May Also Like: Paul McCartney, “Check My Machine” (1980): One Track Mind


One Track Mind: Depeche Mode, “Heaven” from Delta Machine (2013)

Dimly foreboding, funereal in the most intriguing of ways, Depeche Mode’s new single “Heaven” moves with a delicious deliberateness. It’s all atmosphere, all feel, completely enveloping. You May Also Like: Paul McCartney, “Take It Away” from Tug of War (1982): One Track Mind


Guilty pleasures: David Gahan – Paper Monsters/ Martin Gore – Counterfeit2 (2003)