Post Tagged with: "Dave Rempis"

Kuzu - 'The Glass Delusion' (2021)

Kuzu – ‘The Glass Delusion’ (2021)

Kuzu’s third album ‘The Glass Delusion’ continues this noise-jazz trio’s reputation for making some of the most individualistic and rewarding music of this genre.


Kuzu – ‘Purple Dark Opal’ (2020)

Dave Rempis, Tashi Dorji and Tyler Damon continue to draw heavily from their experimental/improvised music backgrounds, letting everything else in Kuzu rest on instinct.


Kuzu (Dave Rempis, Tahi Dorji, Tyler Damon) – ‘Hiljaisuus’ (2019)

Performances like these are often called “spontaneous compositions” but in the case of Dave Rempis’ Kuzu, they’re often spontaneous combustions.


Ballister – Worse For The Wear (2015)

Ballister’s fifth release ‘Worse For The Wear’ proves that Chicago-style free jazz remains cutting-edge and uncompromising.


The Rempis/Daisy Duo – Second Spring (2014)

Whenever I hear a sax/drums duet record, I can’t help but compare it to John Coltrane’s late career tour-de-force with Rashied Ali, Interstellar Space. You May Also Like: Kuzu (Dave Rempis, Tahi Dorji, Tyler Damon) – ‘Hiljaisuus’ (2019) Kuzu – ‘Purple Dark Opal’ (2020)


Aerophonic Records Two-fer: The Rempis Percussion Quartet – Phalanx; and Wheelhouse – Boss of the Plains (2013)