Post Tagged with: "Country"

Alestorm, Bob Wayne, Alice Cooper, Hellbound Glory + Others: Fred Phillips' Best Metal, Country and Hard Rock of 2017

Alestorm, Bob Wayne, Alice Cooper, Hellbound Glory + Others: Fred Phillips’ Best Metal, Country and Hard Rock of 2017

It was, honestly, a pretty lousy year for music. This list of Best Metal, Country and Hard Rock of 2017 highlights five exceptions, and some key honorable mentions.


Glen Campbell (1936-2017): An Appreciation

I didn’t get decked, and I did ask Glen Campbell to sign my album.


Marty Stuart, April 7, 2017: Shows I’ll Never Forget

Marty Stuart calls his backing band the Fabulous Superlatives – and, the thing is, they live up to his claim on every tune.


Jamey Johnson, Feb. 24, 2017: Shows I’ll Never Forget

Jamey Johnson is confident and solid, offering straight-ahead country music that’s performed with conviction.

Fred Phillips' Best Country and Southern Rock of 2016: Jackson Taylor, Hank Jr., Whiskey Myers

Fred Phillips’ Best Country and Southern Rock of 2016: Jackson Taylor, Hank Jr., Whiskey Myers

A very topical album, a group of overlooked Southern rockers and the return of a country legend highlight this Best Country and Southern Rock of 2016 list.


Billy Joe Shaver, Aug. 17, 2016: Shows I’ll Never Forget

The show was an hour and a half late. Audience members were understandably nervous. Then, in strode Billy Joe Shaver — all 77 years of him.


Blackberry Smoke, “Waiting on the Thunder” from Like an Arrow (2016): One Track Mind

Blackberry Smoke’s last album needed a little more grit. If “Waiting for the Thunder” is any indication, maybe we’ll get some of that back.


Steven Tyler – We’re All Somebody From Somewhere (2016)

I wasn’t going to listen to Steven Tyler’s new country-influenced album, but I’m such an Aerosmith fanboy that I unfortunately just couldn’t resist.


Lyle Lovett and his Large Band, July 23, 2016: Shows I’ll Never Forget

The two words that repeatedly came to my mind during Lyle Lovett’s concert were “generosity” and “faith.”


Lucinda Williams – The Ghosts of Highway 20 (2016)

Once again Lucinda Williams excels at making her pain, perseverance and hope relatable to ours, like few others can.