Post Tagged with: "Classic Rock"

Emerson Lake and Powell – 'The Complete Collection' (2024)

Emerson Lake and Powell – ‘The Complete Collection’ (2024)

This seeps into any prog lover’s soul as Emerson Lake and Powell embrace the classics, folk, rock and perhaps (if truth be told) a bit of pomposity.

Five Moments of Eternal Brilliance From Steely Dan's 'Pretzel Logic'

Five Moments of Eternal Brilliance From Steely Dan’s ‘Pretzel Logic’

Released 50 years ago today, Steely Dan’s ‘Pretzel Logic’ remains a pinnacle achievement for the premier jazz-pop rock band. Here’s a handful of reasons why.

Why the Beatles Were the First Global Cultural Phenomenon

Why the Beatles Were the First Global Cultural Phenomenon

The Beatles leapt onto the international stage some 60 years ago. Mike Tiano returns to that remarkable era to explain how it happened.

Why You Shouldn't Overlook the Doobie Brothers' 'What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits'

Why You Shouldn’t Overlook the Doobie Brothers’ ‘What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits’

Released 50 years ago this month, ‘What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits’ found the Doobie Brothers at a near-peak of their early-era powers.

'Journey: Worlds Apart,' by Nick DeRiso (2023): Books

‘Journey: Worlds Apart,’ by Nick DeRiso (2023): Books

Nick DeRiso’s ‘Journey: Worlds Apart’ offers an unblinking narrative, but it’s also crammed with enough breakout information to make this a first-rate reference tool.

A Genesis Prog Lineup: Improbable But Not Impossible

A Genesis Prog Lineup: Improbable But Not Impossible

In a return to prog, Yes members once reformed as Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe. Could Genesis do the same with Banks Gabriel Hackett Rutherford?

'George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle' by Philip Norman (2023): Books

‘George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle’ by Philip Norman (2023): Books

Philip Norman’s ‘George Harrison: The Reluctant Beatle’ is a fine book, even if it’s not the best Beatles biography ever written.

Top 5 Martha Quinn Quotes From Nick DeRiso's 'Journey: Worlds Apart'

Top 5 Martha Quinn Quotes From Nick DeRiso’s ‘Journey: Worlds Apart’

Here’s an exclusive sneak peek at five key comments from Martha Quinn found in Nick DeRiso’s new Amazon best-selling biography ‘Journey: Worlds Apart.’

Pre-Fame Bob Dylan Struck a Rebel's Pose, But Not Woody Guthrie's

Pre-Fame Bob Dylan Struck a Rebel’s Pose, But Not Woody Guthrie’s

Unlikely display 10 years ago showcased a photographer who described Bob Dylan as the embodiment of a generation’s “contemporary, pent-up feelings.”

How Mike and the Mechanics' 'The Living Years' Helped Bridge an Emotional Gap

How Mike and the Mechanics’ ‘The Living Years’ Helped Bridge an Emotional Gap

Released 35 years ago today, Mike and the Mechanics’ “The Living Years” came to terms with the wreckage left by a simple lack of communication.