Chicago, “Now” from ‘Chicago XXXVI: Now’ (2014): Saturdays in the Park
What does it say about the state of this band when Chicago doesn’t even phone it in for the best track on ‘Chicago XXXVI: Now’?
What does it say about the state of this band when Chicago doesn’t even phone it in for the best track on ‘Chicago XXXVI: Now’?
This may well be Chicago’s first great album of new material in a generation.
Chicago was on a roll in 2013, as the venerable band capped off the year with the release of the song “Crazy Happy.”
Chicago was known for songs of striking political commentary, before a turn toward romantic balladry. Some long-waited new music changes that.
Written by Robert Lamm and America’s Gerry Beckley, “Something’s Coming, I Know” hints of Lamm’s ‘Subtlety and Passion.’
Chicago offers unprecedented access into the progress of their long-awaited new LP, posting the step-by-step construction of “Naked in the Garden of Allah.”
Proof positive that Chicago is, at long last, working on some new music arrives via streams of two songs – still in demo form.