Post Tagged with: "Bruce Springsteen"


Father's Day special: Bruce Springsteen, "You're Missing" (2002)

This song, issued in the wake of the devastating attacks on New York City in 2001, nearly overwhelmed me with grief the first time I heard it. I thought of my father. You May Also Like: How Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Tunnel of Love’ Dug Deeply to Find Hard Truths Remembering 9/11:Read More


The Friday Morning Listen: Bruce Springsteen – Growin Up; Joe Jackson – A Slow Song

At the end of last weekend, I watched Fellini’s 8 1/2. Turns out that might not have been the best idea for a Sunday evening. You May Also Like: Joe Jackson’s Rain underscored a complete modern-era return to form Why Joe Jackson’s Retro ‘Body and Soul’ Said So Much AboutRead More


Best wishes for ailing E Street Band saxophonist Clarence Clemons

by Mark Saleski The news reports have been (necessarily) very sketchy at this point. All we know is that Clarence Clemons has suffered a stroke. You May Also Like: Reevaluating Bruce Springsteen’s ‘The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle’ Patti Scialfa Once Again Showed She Could Stand onRead More


Bruce Springsteen – Devils & Dust (2005)

by Mark Saleski Every true music fan has in their pocket a short list: the artists who hold special meaning. Our relationships to those artists are different from the rest. Each release means something. They’re not just records, they’re events You May Also Like: Bruce Springsteen – ‘The Ghost ofRead More


All killer, no filler: Something Else's most-read stories of 2010

by Something Else Reviews Writing can feel akin to tossing a flat rock across the surface of a shimmering river. You never know how far it will go, or just how wide those concentric circles left behind might eventually spread. Sometimes, the thing just sinks. Like, well, a rock. ButRead More


Non-Jazz Favorites for 2010

by Mark Saleski Sometimes, a writer can feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of releases that come along during the year. Look at those piles of CDs! It’s a fraction of what shows up on my desk over a 12-month timespan. As I said in my list of Jazz FavoritesRead More


The Ramblers – Getting There (2010)

by Mark Saleski I’m trying to remember when it was. It was definitely during a pop music fad that involved a lot of synthesizers and other electrical accoutrements. Maybe it was the New Wave era…or maybe when The Prodigy hit it big. All I know is that I caught thisRead More


The Friday Morning Listen: Bruce Springsteen – Darkness on the Edge of Town (1978)

By Mark Saleski Clearly I have been spending an awful lot of time with Darkness on the Edge of Town this week. Too much time maybe? What does that mean? It’s an interesting question and, as it turns out, it doesn’t have meaning…at least not for me. Last weekend, meRead More


Movies: Bruce Springsteen – The Promise: Houston '78 Bootleg (2010)

by Mark Saleski The Darkness on the Edge of Town tour has taken on a sort of mythic quality, mostly because there has been scant video evidence. This “bootleg” tape unearthed by Camp Springsteen confirms what fans lucky enough to have seen one of the shows have known all along:Read More


Movies: Bruce Springsteen – The Promise: The making of Darkness on the Edge of Town (2010)

by Mark Saleski It is perhaps too easy to dismiss the work of celebrities. In the case of Bruce Springsteen, there has been much vitriol expressed over his “supposed” blue collar leanings, as if success can (no…must) wipe out your roots. If you look back at this documentary on theRead More