Post Tagged with: "Blues"

Cyril Neville Brought Patented Passion to the Aptly Named 'Brand New Blues'

Cyril Neville Brought Patented Passion to the Aptly Named ‘Brand New Blues’

Cyril Neville’s gritty, honest and culturally rich ‘Brand New Blues’ arrived 10 years ago this month.


Boo Boo Davis – ‘Tree Man’ (2019)

It’s no exaggeration to state that Boo Boo Davis is one of the last of the authentic blues men.

Aerosmith Finally Got Down, Dirty and Just Right Again on 'Honkin' on Bobo'

Aerosmith Finally Got Down, Dirty and Just Right Again on ‘Honkin’ on Bobo’

It didn’t last very long, but Aerosmith belatedly recaptured their initial spirit and energy 15 years ago today on ‘Honkin’ on Bobo.’

How 'One Way Out' Finally Sold Me on the Allman Brothers Band

How ‘One Way Out’ Finally Sold Me on the Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band made a new fan 15 years ago today with the release of their final concert recording.

The Beatles, "Yer Blues" from the White Album (1968): Deep Beatles

The Beatles, “Yer Blues” from the White Album (1968): Deep Beatles

Is this Beatles deep cut a parody of blues cliches, or John Lennon’s sincere cry for help?

How Joe Bonamassa Finally Arrived With 'The Ballad of John Henry'

How Joe Bonamassa Finally Arrived With ‘The Ballad of John Henry’

10 years ago this week, Joe Bonamassa discovered the perfect balance between his penchant for blues covers and ’70s-style hard rock.

Ruthie Foster Confirmed Her Genius With 'The Truth According to Ruthie Foster'

Ruthie Foster Confirmed Her Genius With ‘The Truth According to Ruthie Foster’

Released 10 years ago today, ‘The Truth According to Ruthie Foster’ was much more than a blues triumph.

Derek Trucks Band's 'Already Free' Gave Us a Fine-Tuned, Intimate Farewell

Derek Trucks Band’s ‘Already Free’ Gave Us a Fine-Tuned, Intimate Farewell

Derek Trucks Band released ‘Already Free,’ their final studio recording, 10 years ago today.

Johnny Winter Refined His Hell-Raising Brand of Texas Blues on 'Guitar Slinger'

Johnny Winter Refined His Hell-Raising Brand of Texas Blues on ‘Guitar Slinger’

35 years ago, Johnny Winter returned with a great, grimy studio album where you could smell the booze and cigarettes.

Christmas Music for People Who are Sick of Christmas Music: Gimme Five

Christmas Music for People Who are Sick of Christmas Music: Gimme Five

By now, you’ve probably had just enough of the same old holly jolly stuff. Mark Saleski is here to help with some suggestions from off the beaten path.