Post Tagged with: "Bluegrass"


Austin Lounge Lizards – Home and Deranged (2013)

Missing longtime member Tom Pittman, but none of the knee-slapping fun, the Austin Lounge Lizards’ fizzy Home and Deranged takes on such typically topical subjects as airport patdowns, big-ego music stars, fat-cat bankers and government conspiracy theories. You May Also Like: Genesis, “Home by the Sea / Second Home byRead More


One Track Mind: Stone Blind Valentine, “Think What You Will” from Burn Like a Field (2013)

A song about hard-won acceptance, Stone Blind Valentine’s “Think What You Will” begins with a raw acoustic riff from Colby Maddox before Emily Hurd enters — all steely resolve, but barely obscuring a sweeping moment of heartbreak. You May Also Like: The Blind Boys of Alabama’s Down in New OrleansRead More


The Friday Morning Listen: Joy Kills Sorrow – Darkness Sure Becomes This City (2010)