Post Tagged with: "Baby Boomer Bliss"


Half Notes: Various artists – Flower Power (2007)

This massive 10-CD box set is perfect for somebody looking to load up on music from a variety of 1970s genres: folk, folk rock, pop, rock, psychedelic rock … it’s all there. The broad categories presented are: “Groovin,’” “Born To Be Wild,” “Time of the Season,” “Age of Aquarius,” andRead More


The Chocolate Watch Band – The Inner Mystique (1968, 2012 reissue)

Originally released on the Tower label in early 1968, The Inner Mystique marked the second album from the Chocolate Watch Band. Basically an excursion in exploitation, the majority of cuts on the disc were performed by session musicians, with absolutely zero input from any of the group members. As expected,Read More


On Second Thought: Neil Young and Crazy Horse – Americana (2012)