Post Tagged with: "Ava Mendoza"

William Parker - 'Mayan Space Station' (2021)

William Parker – ‘Mayan Space Station’ (2021)

‘Mayan Space Station’ is another facet of the multi-dimensional artistry of William Parker. The first listens will surprise, and later listens will uncover that the same man who brought us ‘O’Neal’s Porch’ and ‘I Plan to Stay a Believer: The Inside Songs of Curtis Mayfield’ can absolutely be the brainchild behind these spiritual, loose rock jams.

Matt Mitchell + Kate Gentile, "for teens | spinal thought | peripheral drome" (2021): One Track Mind

Matt Mitchell + Kate Gentile, “for teens | spinal thought | peripheral drome” (2021): One Track Mind

Matt Mitchell and Kate Gentile’s “for teens,” “spinal thought” and “peripheral drome” are spare conceptions with rich detail filled in on the fly from the assembled collection of improvisation masters.

Jon Irabagon - 'I Don't Hear Nothin' But the Blues Vol. 3: Anatomical Snuffbox' (2020)

Jon Irabagon – ‘I Don’t Hear Nothin’ But the Blues Vol. 3: Anatomical Snuffbox’ (2020)

If you’re going to go extreme, do it with conviction. Jon Irabagon, Mike Pride, Mick Barr and Ava Mendoza are committed as ever for ‘I Don’t Hear Nothin’ But The Blues Volume 3: Anatomical Snuffbox.’


Cavity Fang – Urban Problems (2013)

Cavity Fang sprung from the fertile mind of keyboardist and composer Michael Coleman. You May Also Like: Michael Coleman + Ben Goldberg – Practitioner (2018)