Post Tagged with: "Astral Spirits"

Mars Williams - 'An Ayler Xmas Vol. 4: Chicago vs. NYC' (2020)

Mars Williams – ‘An Ayler Xmas Vol. 4: Chicago vs. NYC’ (2020)

These ain’t traditional Christmas carols, but Mars Williams has started a new tradition in line with a year that has broken all semblance of normalcy.

Brandon Seabrook, with Cooper-Moore + Gerald Cleaver - 'Exultations' (2020)

Brandon Seabrook, with Cooper-Moore + Gerald Cleaver – ‘Exultations’ (2020)

You never know what to expect from a new Brandon Seabrook album, aside from that it’s guaranteed to be way outside the bounds of normal. ‘Exultations’ is certainly that.

Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos  'Live in Florence' (2020)

Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos ‘Live in Florence’ (2020)

For this festival set performed in Italy ‘Live In Florence,’ Otomo Yoshihide, his guitar and his turntables match wits with Chris Pitsiokos with his alto saxophone and his electronics.

Charles Rumback, "Burning Daylight" from 'June Holiday' (2020): Something Else! Video Premiere

Charles Rumback, “Burning Daylight” from ‘June Holiday’ (2020): Something Else! Video Premiere

Here is the streaming premiere of Charles Rumback’s “Burning Daylight” track from his upcoming LP ‘June Holiday.’

Lisa Cameron, Tom Carter + Ingebrigt Håker Flaten - 'Tau Ceti' (2020)

Lisa Cameron, Tom Carter + Ingebrigt Håker Flaten – ‘Tau Ceti’ (2020)

Make no mistake, Austin *does* have an avant-jazz/improv music scene that’s just not as well known outside of town. With more records like ‘Tau Ceti’ from Lisa Cameron, Tom Carter and Ingebrigt Håker Flaten, that should all change.

Mako Sica + Hamid Drake, "Trapeze / Maku (Live)" from 'Balancing Tear' (2020): Stream premiere

Mako Sica + Hamid Drake, “Trapeze / Maku (Live)” from ‘Balancing Tear’ (2020): Stream premiere

Here is the world premiere of “Trapeze / Maku (Live)” by Chicago-based free-form masters Mako Sica with Hamid Drake.

Chicago Underground Quartet, "Batida" from 'Good Days' (2020): Something Else! streaming premiere

Chicago Underground Quartet, “Batida” from ‘Good Days’ (2020): Something Else! streaming premiere

Here is the streaming premiere of “Batida” by the re-formed Chicago Underground Quartet.


Quin Kirchner, Daniel Van Duerm, Matthew Lux w/guest Jaimie Branch, “Peaceable” (2019): Something Else! streaming premiere

Here is the streaming premiere of “Peaceable” by Quin Kirchner, Daniel Van Duerm, Matthew Lux w/guest Jaimie Branch.


Charles Rumback – ‘Cadillac Turns’ (2019)

Charles Rumback’s ‘Cadillac Turns’ has all the energy and capriciousness of a free-jazz blowing session but still retains a strong sense of melody.


Hearts & Minds (Jason Stein, Paul Giallorenzo, Chad Taylor) – ‘Electroradiance’ (2018)

With the unusual structure of the electro-acoustic trio Hearts & MInds come opportunities to implement ideas you couldn’t really pull off in a ‘normal’ trio setting. ‘Electroradiance’ adroitly exploits those opportunities.