Post Tagged with: "Arif Mardin"


‘I don’t think we’d be around’: The behind-the-scenes figure who helped shape Hall and Oates’ career

Hall and Oates enters the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year with their credentials in order. A series of huge 1980s-era hits have, in fact, made them part of the culture. But it wasn’t always that way. You May Also Like: Two modern developments hurtled Hall and OatesRead More


Books: Cher: All I Really Want to Do by Daryl Easlea and Eddi Fiegel (2013)

In 1969, Cher was past her initial folk-pop successes with husband Sonny, but hadn’t yet launched her smash 1970s variety television program. She’d issue the most interesting project of her career. You May Also Like: ‘You’ve Heard These Hands,’ by Don Randi (2015): Books The Jackson 5 – The UltimateRead More


Average White Band – Live at Montreux 1977 (2011)

Improperly named, the Average White Band was anything but. First off, one of the rhythm guys, at least by this point, wasn’t white. Second, and this is far more important, they funked it up with a vigor and style that would never be confused with average. You May Also Like:Read More


More Disco Songs That Don’t Suck: Gimme Five

by Nick DeRiso The 1970s weren’t all shag carpeting and plaid pants. OK, they were. But not all of it sucked. Really. We’ve done the research. If it meant dusting off the turntable, digging out the flared pants, and fro-ing up their hair again? Well, those are the sacrifices thatRead More


Ringo Starr Songs That Sucked: Gimme Five

When Ringo Starr recently announced that he wouldn’t be responding to any more fan mail, it occurred to me that he must be completely unaware of the disastrous foibles he’s unleashed on a loving but ultimately unwitting fanbase. Certainly likeable (at one time, anyway), Starr was and is a drive-byRead More


El Madmo – El Madmo (2008)

The music of Norah Jones is the elephant in the living room here at Something Else! that we probably can’t ignore forever. Her brand of country-flavored jazz had given millions of people in our age demographic a reason to buy their first CD in years. Still, we’ve resisted chatting herRead More


Jean-Luc Ponty – Mystical Adventures/ Individual Choice (1982/1983)

by S. Victor Aaron When I initally got into fusion jazz in the mid to late seventies, Jean-Luc Ponty was one of the first artists I became a fan of, and I still dig his music today. He’s been an enduring figure on the scene, having been recording for overRead More