Post Tagged with: "Appreciations"


A Conspiracy of Stars: Why Is UFO Classic Rock’s Best-Kept Secret?

UFO have been so far under the mainstream radar that you need advanced detection equipment from NASA to find them.


Jeff Golub (1955-2015): An Appreciation

Something Else! remembers multi-faceted guitarist Jeff Golub, who succumbed to progressive supranuclear palsy today at just 59 years old.


Joe Cocker (1944-2014): An Appreciation

Tom Wilmeth remembers Joe Cocker’s power, his glory and — saddest of all — his missteps in a career forever defined by what might have been.


Joe Cocker stands as the last of the great interpreters: ‘It was stunning’

Dave Mason and Henry McCullough joined us as we talk about the impact made by the late Joe Cocker, an instant throwback in the singer-songwriter era.


Phil Ochs (1940-1976): An Appreciation

For a while, Phil Ochs’ vision of America fuelled the shared dreams of the 1960s. He would have turned 74 today.


Dimebag Darrell (1966-2004): An Appreciation

I’m not one to get overly emotional about a celebrity’s death, even one whose work touched me. Dimebag Darrell was different.


Emotional tribute to Mel Davis proved music says far more than words

A celebration of the life of one of improvisation’s major influences found many who loved Mel Davis gathered on stage at London’s Cafe Oto.


Jack Bruce (1943-2014): An Appreciation

In the aftermath of Jack Bruce’s long-awaited reunion with Cream, some people bitched. All I remember was watching in wonder.


Manhattan Transfer’s Tim Hauser: 10 Essential Performances

Remembering Manhattan Transfer’s Tim Hauser, who helped open the door to jazz for me.


An Appreciation: Joe Sample and the Crusaders, “It Happens Everyday” (1977)

Remembering a drop-dead gorgeous tone poem that was so emblematic.