Kahvas Jute – ‘Wide Open’ (1970): Antipodean April
If you were to take Southern rock and put it in a blender with British blues rock, then add a dollop of Vegemite, you’d get Kahvas Jute.
If you were to take Southern rock and put it in a blender with British blues rock, then add a dollop of Vegemite, you’d get Kahvas Jute.
If record execs and promoters had any idea what to do with Dragon, this fun, accessible New Zealand power pop band could have been big in America.
You simply can’t discuss Aussie pub rock without mentioning Cold Chisel.
‘Hello Sailor’ is pure fun ’70s rock through a Kiwi lens, with songs boasting elements of funk, R&B, psychedelic, and even a bit of a Polynesian influence.