Post Tagged with: "Alligator Records"


Shemekia Copeland – Outskirts of Love (2015)

There’s no let up in Shemekia Copeland found on ‘Outskirts of Love’; her hold on the Queen of the Blues crown is as firm as ever.


Joe Louis Walker – Hornet’s Nest (2014)

It’s a time of consolidation for Joe Louis Walker, an attacking blues guitarist who has, forever it seemed, been the best modern player to never get his due. That changed in a big way with 2012’s aptly named Alligator debut, Hellfire. You May Also Like: Seth Walker – ‘Are YouRead More


Tommy Castro – The Devil You Know (2014)

There’s a different attitude surrounding these recordings, which find Tommy Castro collaborating with a tough new group of blues-rock loving youngsters. You May Also Like: Left Lane Cruiser – Beck In Black (2016)


James Cotton – Cotton Mouth Man (2013)

James Cotton has long referred to his regular working band as “my family,” so close is their sense of musical symbiosis, so long is their history. Still, to my ear, he’s never put out a more personal album than the forthcoming Cotton Mouth Man. You May Also Like: James Cotton,Read More


JJ Grey and Mofro – This River (2013)

Combining the heartfelt dynamism of Otis Redding and the scuzzy grooves the Allman Brothers, JJ Grey and Mofro are reanimating a memorably greasy turn-of-the-1970s Deep South vibe for a new generation. You May Also Like: JJ Grey + Mofro, “Everything is a Song” from Ol’ Glory (2015): One Track MindRead More


Vinyl reissues on tap for Buddy Guy's Stone Crazy, Professor Longhair's Crawfish Fiesta

Buddy Guy’s Stone Crazy and Professor Longhair’s Crawfish Fiesta, both out of print for decades, will be remastered for 180-gram vinyl reissues. You May Also Like: Lee Dorsey – Yes We Can (1970): On Second Thought A side-stage Svengali, Allen Toussaint found musical salvation in Katrina


Cancer returns for celebrated soul singer Curtis Salgado; lung surgery planned