Post Tagged with: "All-Star Lists"


My All-Star CD's of 2007: The Starters

by Pico Yesterday I revealed my second team selections of favorite CD’s from 2007. Now, we get into the really good stuff. Here is the Special Seven: Robert Plant/Allison Krauss – Raising SandNiether Plant nor Krauss are the kind of artists whose records I run out and buy, but I’veRead More

Nels Cline, California Transit Authority, Wilco + Others: S. Victor Aaron's Alternate All-Star Albums of 2007

Nels Cline, California Transit Authority, Wilco + Others: S. Victor Aaron’s Alternate All-Star Albums of 2007

In looking back on 2007, it’s time to assess the releases over the last 12 months and pick out the more outstanding ones.