Preston Frazier’s Best of 2014 (Jazz and Fusion Jazz): Simon Phillips, Oz Noy, Bobby Broom
Preston Frazier’s Best of 2014 in jazz and fusion, including the Breithaupt Brothers, Simon Phillips, Oz Noy, Bobby Broom and Miguel Zenon.
Preston Frazier’s Best of 2014 in jazz and fusion, including the Breithaupt Brothers, Simon Phillips, Oz Noy, Bobby Broom and Miguel Zenon.
Kit O’Toole counts down the best Beatles-related releases of the past year, as we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Beatlemania.
Top reissues of 2014 include a double shot of Led Zeppelin, more Bob Dylan and the Band than you could imagine, and some long-lost CSNY.
Little other than a sense of soul holds this list together. That’s more than enough.
These 10 reissues and live sets provided us with important new perspectives.
Sturgill Simpson? The genuine article. Bob Wayne? Back with his best ever.
Everything from ambient post-rock to improvisational, to scattered rock-jazz.
Already, we’ve heard so much great stuff from the Toto family tree of music.
The appeal of this music is its unbiased diversity and lack of set rules.
A career-defining three-EP set, a stirring comeback, another thrilling head scratcher.