Post Tagged with: "2010s"


Pearring Sound – ‘Nothing But Time’ (2019)

Pearring Sound is the moniker affixed to music led by alto saxophonist Jeff Pearring, and that sound is jazz that’s sometimes playful and always daring.


Amendola Vs. Blades – ‘Everybody Wins’ (2019)

The only way to lose with Ameondola Vs. Blades’ funky delight ‘Everybody Wins’ is if you miss out on putting an ear to it.


Jaimie Branch – ‘Fly or Die II: bird dogs of paradise’ (2019)

Divergent, fearless, unpredictable and vulnerable, Jaimie Branch has made good on the great promise of ‘Fly or Die’ by soaring again on ‘Fly or Die II: bird dogs of paradise.’


Dave Holland, Zakir Hussain & Chris Potter – ‘Good Hope’ (2019)

Perhaps ‘Good Hope,’ the new collaboration from Dave Holland, Zakir Hussain and Chris Potter, was meant to be. It sure sounds that way.


Ivo Perelman and Matthew Shipp – ‘Efflorescence, Volume 1’ (2019)

Hiatus? What hiatus? The Ivo Perelman / Matthew Shipp creation train keeps on rolling.


GospelbeacH – ‘Let It Burn’ (2019)

There might be some messages in these songs but the main takeaway from GospelbeacH’s ‘Let It Burn’ is that hippie music is good for the soul.


The Aristocrats – ‘You Know What…?’ (2019)

So, it might be hard to know how to slot the music in ‘You Know What…?’ Whatever you call it, the Aristocrats do it well.


Mike Stern and Jeff Lorber Fusion – ‘Eleven’ (2019)

What we get from fusion icons Mike Stern and Jeff Lorber are the best of both worlds and that’s the strongest reason why ‘Eleven’ merits a lot of listens.


Caroline Davis – ‘Alula’ (2019)

With ‘Alula,’ the ever-thirsty Caroline Davis thrust herself into the company of vital artists at the frontier of jazz.


Rich Halley, with the Matthew Shipp Trio – ‘Terra Incognita’ (2019)

Rich Halley’s encounter with the Matthew Shipp Trio is no East Coast meets West Coast kind of thing, just a meeting of great minds that think alike.