David Philips – Winter (2017)
With the more mainstream rock record ‘Winter,’ David Philips has again made music without making any concessions.
With the more mainstream rock record ‘Winter,’ David Philips has again made music without making any concessions.
‘Departure’ is no departure from what Sheryl Bailey and Harvie S have been doing so well together, which makes their second disc a very pleasurable listen like the first.
99.9% of people will listen to the trailer above for W-2’s new album Fanatics and will go no further with this article. If you’re part of that zero-point-one percenter contingent who loves to indulge in anti-music music at least on occasion, keep going… You May Also Like: Matt Mayhall –Read More
After five-decade history of rattling the very foundations of jazz, Roscoe Mitchell returns to what’s become a symbol the jazz establishment to make a strong statement of his undying vitality.
True to the stated purpose of Burning Ghosts, ‘Reclamation’ is another piercing protest document without words. But regardless of what your politics might be, there’s much to relish here as long as you appreciate raw passion delivered through accomplished musicianship and a fearless attitude.
The ever-discerning Carla Bley herself is a fan of the Bley tribute ‘The New National Anthem,’ and with the sheer joy on display that went into making this record, it’s not hard to figure why.
”This Is Beautiful Because We Are Beautiful People’ is a set of performances that succeed because the Toxic musicians place all trust on instinct and the instincts of others.
“Alchemy Melt (With Tilt)” is an album’s worth of ideas from a single song and there are a dozen other songs on Kate Gentile’s ‘Mannequins.’
The international element is strong on ‘Spirit’ like a lot of jazz albums these days but Zem Audu is long beyond that concept of throwing together different ingredients and has mastered making his stew simmer with sophistication.
Through death comes transformation. Gato Libre is a band whose body has changed, but its original heart perseveres.