Post Tagged with: "2000s"


Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation – Mighty ReArranger (2005)

by Mark Saleski Back in Led Zeppelin’s day, it was near to impossible to twist the radio dial (yeah, radios had dials back then … think of a radio dial as an ancient, manual hyperlink, without the Internet or computers or any of that stuff You May Also Like: HowRead More


Roomful of Blues – Raisin' a Ruckus (2007)

by Mark Saleski “What? You’ve never head any Roomful of Blues?” I tell you, I’ve asked that question far too many times. They’ve gone through many lineup changes through the years, and their list of alumni includes Duke Robillard, Ron Levy, Sugar Ray Norcia, and Ronnie Earl. Why they’re notRead More


Ben Folds – Speed Graphic (2003)

by Tom Johnson Ben Folds opened this EP (Speed Graphic refers to the camera seen on the sleeve) with the Cure’s “In Between Days.” While staying true to the Cure’s sound, he managed to inject an extra little dose of his hopeful optimism into the song: It’s just a qualityRead More


Half Notes: Trey Anastasio – Bar 17 (2006)

by Tom Johnson Poor Trey. Not only did he get wrapped up in dealing with a major label in 2005 with Shine, he also had to deal with the double-whammy of two decidedly non-fan friendly formats that Columbia insisted on releasing the album through, the shoddy DualDisc format and theRead More


Half Notes: Marc Cary – Focus Trio Live (2009)

by Mark Saleski Dude is wearing a porkpie hat on the cover. Dude is making “jazz face.” Dude can play his ass off. Skip right to the end and check out “CD Changer.” It’s not often that a pianist will apply so much torque to the percussive nature of theRead More


Keith Jarrett – Radiance (2005)

by Mark Saleski Some musicians have the ability to transcend their physical talents to put on display their thought processes, a sort of direct conduit between the hands and that mysterious inner pool of music. Or … in Keith Jarrett’s case, the lack of thought You May Also Like: KeithRead More


Half Notes: Low – Drums And Guns (2007)

by Tom Johnson Who knew Low would crank things up like they did with 2005’s The Great Destroyer, their Sub-Pop debut? Were they holding back all those years, or did the label urge them to do something different? Whatever it was, it worked against every notion fans had when wordRead More


Half Notes: Jae Sinnett – It's Telling … A Drummer's Perspective (2007)

by Mark Saleski Wow, sometimes you just stumble onto a little gold. Jae Sinnett’s kit work manages to channel bits of my favorite drummers (Jeff Watts, Tony Williams) while retaining his own thing. It’s very inspiring to be witness to a player who can muster great power when necessary andRead More


Dapp Theory – Layers of Chance (2008)

by Mark Saleski Some people really have the wrong idea about jazz. They think that most of it falls into two very broad categories: traditional, where guys in suits play an introductory theme before taking turns soloing over the developed chord changes; and avant-garde, also known as “cats-on-piano” jazz, whereRead More


Manu Katché – Neighbourhood (2006)

by Mark Saleski Ever stumble into one of those snotty Internet arguments tugging back & forth about the capabilities of musicians? Specifically, the old “Is it possible for player X (an expert in genre A) to cross over to the land of genre B?” “Well, of course he can.” “He’sRead More