Post Tagged with: "1990s"


Mike Doughty asks fans to help pay for re-recordings of Soul Coughing songs

If you’re like me and spent a lot of time with music in the 90s, then Soul Coughing’s three albums may be near and dear to you. When they broke up, I had a lot of hope for lead singer Mike Doughty’s solo albums, but I have to admit I’veRead More

Steely Dan Sunday, "Little Kawai" (1994)

Steely Dan Sunday, “Little Kawai” (1994)

<<< BACKWARD (“Hat Too Flat”) ||| ONWARD (“Fall of ’92”) >>> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** Like most rock stars of the 1970s, Walter Becker had lived the whole sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle during that decade. You May Also Like: Walter Becker, “Medical Science [Demo]” (1994):Read More


Jon Anderson on Yes’ “And You and I,” “Endless Dream,” “I’ve Seen All Good People”: Gimme Five

We also take a look back at Jon Anderson’s time alongside the late Peter Banks, with whom he co-founded Yes.


Former Time Out of Mind sideman Duke Robillard to join Bob Dylan on upcoming 2013 tour

Duke Robillard, a sideman on the celebrated Time Out of Mind, will team up with Bob Dylan again for select dates on his forthcoming tour, which kicks off in Buffalo on April 5, 2013 and continues through May in St. Augustine, Florida. You May Also Like: Mark Knopfler credits BobRead More


Steely Dan Sunday, “Hat Too Flat” (1994)

<<< BACKWARD (“This Moody Bastard”) ||| ONWARD (“Little Kawai”) >>> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** This detailed re-evaluation of Becker’s first solo record from the mid-90s gave me a better appreciation of the album, but there are some quirks I still can’t overcome and the whole of “Hat TooRead More


Lenny White – Live from 97 (2013)

The truth is, both of the late-1990s Lenny White-led solo releases that preceded the Japanese concert featured here needed a little scuffing up, and this group happily obliges. You May Also Like: Sue Foley – ‘Pinky’s Blues’ (2021) Ellen Foley Talks ‘Bat Out of Hell,’ Ian Hunter and ‘Fighting Words’:Read More


Steely Dan Sunday, “This Moody Bastard” (1994)

<<< BACKWARD (“My Waterloo”) ||| ONWARD (“Hat Too Flat”) >>> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** Back during the time that 11 Tracks Of Whack was new, I’d pop that CD out of the player after “Girlfriend” most of the time; I thought that most of this album’s filler wereRead More


Miles Davis, with Quincy Jones and the Gil Evans Orchestra – Live at Montreux (2013)

You see Miles Davis’ age, you sense it, in his fingers. Otherwise remarkably well preserved on this date, just months before his death, the legendary trumpeter certainly looks the part — from the technicolor jacket to the red horn You May Also Like: When Miles Davis Finally Looked Back onRead More


Steely Dan Sunday, “My Waterloo” (1994)

<<< BACKWARD (“Girlfriend”) ||| ONWARD (“This Moody Bastard”) >>> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** Somewhere in the distant future we’ll finally reach Walter Becker’s Circus Money in this series, but today brings us to a song that, looking back, is an advance taste to that 2008 release. You MayRead More


Steely Dan Sunday, “Girlfriend” (1994)

<<< BACKWARD (“Cringemaker”) ||| ONWARD (“My Waterloo”) >>> *** STEELY DAN SUNDAY INDEX *** There are some things I don’t like about “Girlfriend” and other things I just love. You May Also Like: Walter Becker, “Cringemaker [Swamp Version]” (circa 1994)