
Yes, "Looking Around" from Yes (1969): YESterdays

Yes, “Looking Around” from Yes (1969): YESterdays

As the first Jon Anderson/Chris Squire composition to appear on a Yes album, “Looking Around” represents a landmark moment.

Yes, "Yesterday and Today" from Yes (1969): YESterdays

Yes, “Yesterday and Today” from Yes (1969): YESterdays

“Yesterday and Today,” from Yes’ 1969 debut album, finds the world’s greatest progressive rock band sounding anything but progressive.

Yes, "I See You" from Yes (1969): YESterdays

Yes, “I See You” from Yes (1969): YESterdays

“I See You” hints at the wide-screen experimentation to come for Yes, though in this early incarnation they tend more to psychedelia than prog.

Yes, "Beyond and Before" from Yes (1969): YESterdays

Yes, “Beyond and Before” from Yes (1969): YESterdays

Preston Frazier’s new Yes series starts with their debut album’s opening cut — and, already, they are hinting at great things to come.