One Track Mind

The Eddies, "Jungle Beat" + "Don’t Know Where To Start" (2012): One Track Mind

The Eddies, “Jungle Beat” + “Don’t Know Where To Start” (2012): One Track Mind

The Eddies’ “Jungle Beat” bubbles over with the kind of exuberance rock and roll music was originally built on.


Glen Campbell, “Wichita Lineman” (1968): One Track Mind

As Glen Campbell sang his signature tune “Rhinestone Cowboy” for likely the last time on stage, I thought of another song he’s famous for.

Kevin Gordon, "Colfax" from Gloryland (2012): One Track Mind

Kevin Gordon, “Colfax” from Gloryland (2012): One Track Mind

Singer-songwriter Kevin Gordon drills in on the second half of that descriptor, telling stories that resonate like age-old fables, even on the first listen.


Rahsaan Roland Kirk, “Rip, Rig and Panic” (1965): One Track Mind

You can’t have a discussion about characters in jazz with including Rahsaan Roland Kirk.


One Track Mind: Cheap Perfume, "Boys" (2012)

No matter how tolerant we think we are, there’s still a degree of sexism in the weird, wonderful and wild world of rock and roll. Although it’s hardly shocking to see women playing the music now, the industry continues to be dominated by males. Back in 1978, which was whenRead More


One Track Mind: Wayne Shorter, "Tom Thumb" (1967)