One Track Mind


One Track Mind: Ironing Board Sam, “Nothing But Your Butt” from Double Bang (2013)

Deliriously unself-conscious, and funky as hell, “Nothing But Your Butt” rumbles out like a throwback, sex-obsessed ’70s soul number — right down to Ironing Board Sam’s recitation of his love interest’s physical dimensions. You May Also Like: Chairmen of the Board – Greatest Hits (1973): Forgotten Series Micky Dolenz onRead More


One Track Mind: Hadiza Dockeray, “Somebody Better” from Chapter 4 (2013)

An intriguing mixture of old-school chanteuse and tough-minded modern woman, Hadiza Dockeray puts her foot down on “Somebody Better” — and then uses it to kick the ever-loving ass of some no-account. You May Also Like: There’s a reason the Monkees’ Micky Dolenz plays drums that way: ‘I know it’sRead More

One Track Mind: The Babys, "Not Ready to Say Goodbye" (2013)

One Track Mind: The Babys, “Not Ready to Say Goodbye” (2013)

In as much as they don’t have people like John Waite, Jonathan Cain and Ricky Phillips in the band anymore, the Babys sound almost exactly like they once did on an aptly named new single “Not Ready to Say Goodbye.” You May Also Like: Journey, “Faith in the Heartland” fromRead More


Countdown 5, “Shaka Shaka Na Na / Money Man” (1969): One Track Mind

Punching in as the Countdown 5’s final effort, “Shaka Shaka Na Na / Money Man” captured the band going out with a bang!


One Track Mind: Chicago featuring Les Deux Love Orchestra, “More Today Than Yesterday” (2013)

There are probably more than a few people who thought this No. 12 1969 hit by the Spiral Starecase was a Chicago song anyway. But it sure is a strange way to advance a long-awaited new album project. You May Also Like: Chicago, “Questions 67 & 68” from Chicago TransitRead More


How a Dying Child Reshaped Journey’s ‘Only the Young’: ‘It Stayed With Me’

Members of Journey gave the song, inside a Walkman, to Kenny Sykaluk during a hospital visit set up through the Make a Wish Foundation.


One Track Mind: Serpent and Seraph, “Tears of Niviane” from Under Darkened Skies (2013)

I try my best not to judge an album by its cover or a band by its name. But every now and then one of those things catches my attention. You May Also Like: Archon Angel – ‘Fallen’ (2020) Durbin, “The Prince of Metal” from ‘The Beast Awakens’ (2020): OneRead More


One Track Mind: The Beefeaters, “Don’t Hurt Me / Change My Mind” (1966)

Not to be confused with the Beefeaters who released a solitary single (“Please Let Me Love You/Don’t Be Long”) for the Elektra label in 1964 before switching their name to the Byrds and winging to the top of the charts You May Also Like: The Byrds, “What’s Happening?!?!” from FifthRead More


One Track Mind: Freddie Atlas, “Vain” from Dreams (2013)

Sounding a bit like Elton John if he’d gotten himself locked outside of an impressionistic art exhibit on a stormy night, “Vain” comes trickling in almost as if it’s atop a lazy stream You May Also Like: Casey Golden – ‘ATLAS’ (2018) Jason Stein + Adam Shead – ‘Synaptic Atlas’Read More


The Nth Power, “Spirits” from the Basic Minimum Skills Test EP (2013): One Track Mind

Like The Endangered around this time last year, I came across a EP from a band just getting off the ground that stands out from the current crop of emerging acts You May Also Like: The Nth Power – Abundance (2015) Mike Dillon & Punkadelick – ‘Inflorescence’ (2023) Joe Mandica,Read More