Gimme Five


Gimme Five: Walter White/Heisenberg scenes in Breaking Bad

To pick only five scenes from Breaking Bad is like having 62 children, picking 5 favorites out of the 62 and then trying to name only one thing about them that you like. It’s almost impossible. You May Also Like: Walter Becker, “Just One Season” (2003): One Track Mind WalterRead More


Bob Dylan – The Complete Album Collection, Volume 1 (2013): Gimme Five

Where to start with ‘The Complete Album Collection,’ a sprawling 43-disc behemoth chronicling every album Bob Dylan issued between 1962-2012?

Chicago Post-Peter Cetera Songs That Don't Suck: Gimme Five

Chicago Post-Peter Cetera Songs That Don’t Suck: Gimme Five

A theory has emerged that Chicago never quite recovered from Peter Cetera’s departure. Here are five arguments to the contrary.


Gimme Five: The Beach Boys’ Al Jardine on “Help Me Rhonda,” “Don’t Fight the Sea,” “Sloop John B”