Articles by: Tom Johnson


The Flaming Lips – The Terror (2013)

You have been tranquilized against your will, and your limp body has been dumped deep in the dry, hot desert. You awaken to find yourself stranded and alone. You are probably going to die, and you have come to terms with that fact. The Terror is the music that playsRead More


Mike Doughty asks fans to help pay for re-recordings of Soul Coughing songs

If you’re like me and spent a lot of time with music in the 90s, then Soul Coughing’s three albums may be near and dear to you. When they broke up, I had a lot of hope for lead singer Mike Doughty’s solo albums, but I have to admit I’veRead More


Mike Keneally’s Wing Beat Elastic to feature remixes, demos and outtakes from Andy Partridge collaboration

Fellow Mike Keneally freaks rejoice: there’s a surprise release on the horizon! April 9, 2013, brings the release of Wing Beat Elastic, a disc of demos, “remixes” and outtakes You May Also Like: Mike Keneally, “Draconian Blump” from ‘Nonkertompf’ (1999): One Track Mind How Mike Keneally’s Comeback on ‘The UniverseRead More


Autechre – Exai (2013)

Is Autechre a group still gathering new fans, and is a review really going to make someone curious enough to dive in with two hours of Exai? Or is this album selling to people like me, who buy Autechre music unheard You May Also Like: Paul Collins’ Beat – ToRead More


Shows I’ll Never Forget: Wilco and Calexico, Nov. 20, 2004