Articles by: Something Else!


Manu Katché – Neighbourhood (2006)

by Mark Saleski Ever stumble into one of those snotty Internet arguments tugging back & forth about the capabilities of musicians? Specifically, the old “Is it possible for player X (an expert in genre A) to cross over to the land of genre B?” “Well, of course he can.” “He’sRead More


Sonny Rollins – Plus Four (1956, reissue)

by Mark Saleski Ever have a dream where the impossible has suddenly come true? No, I don’t mean something like you’ve won the lottery, or you finally hooked up with that special someone. No, I’m talking about the impossible. In my case, it was my guitar playing ability. For aRead More


Viktor Krauss – Far From Enough (2004)

By Tom Johnson I spent most of the morning flipping between one disc and the next, restless for something that actually fit my mood. I just didn’t want to, you know, as they say, deal and nothing particularly appealed to me. On days like this, I tend to gather upRead More


One Track Mind: Sun Ra, "It's After The End Of The World" (1972)

By Mark Saleski Like mystery novels, poetry, or any other form of art, music has a lot of uses. We’re sad and pull out those old Son House records. Happy? How about some Speaking In Tongues-era Talking Heads? Is romance in the air? You May Also Like: Circus, “Stop WaitRead More


Robert Fripp – Exposure (1979; 2006 reissue)

King Crimson mastermind Robert Fripp finally got around to re-issuing his first solo album in 2006, one that manages to cover pretty much all the bases he would ever touch upon — arty rock, post-punk, new wave, noise, it’s all there. And finally it’s there as Fripp originally planned itRead More


Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette – The Out-of-Towners (2004)

by Mark Saleski Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette. Piano, bass, drums. A rational person might ask, “Do we really need another live record from these people?” You May Also Like: Noah Haidu – ‘Slowly: Song For Keith Jarrett’ (2021) Keith Jarrett Returned to His Strengths on ‘Testament Paris/London’


Ornette Coleman – Sound Grammar (2006)

by Mark Saleski Sometimes, curiosity will get the best of me. A strange attraction to something new — a particular (and often peculiar) food, drink, author, musician — will emerge and the craving will not be denied. Mostly, this works out You May Also Like: Ornette Coleman, an inscrutable genius,Read More


Forgotten series: Paul Motian – I Have The Room Above Her (2005)

by Mark Saleski You wouldn’t suppose that most musicians would look favorably upon being compared to an old pile of rocks. How about an old, organized pile of rocks? You May Also Like: Paul Bley, Gary Peacock + Paul Motian – ‘When Will The Blues Leave’ (1999, rel. 2019) BillRead More

Toto Songs That Are Not Huge Ballads: Gimme Five

Toto Songs That Are Not Huge Ballads: Gimme Five

Critics hung soft rock around their necks, but Toto was never so easily identifiable.


Movies: Leo Kottke – Home & Away Revisited (2007)

by Mark Saleski The music starts playing and every little bit of you pays attention. This is a musical connection. You May Also Like: Wadada Leo Smith – Najwa (2017) Wadada Leo Smith and Orange Wave Electric – ‘Fire Illuminations’ (2023) Deerhoof, feat. Wadada Leo Smith – ‘To Be SurroundedRead More