Articles by: S. Victor Aaron


One Track Mind: Raffi "Robin In The Rain" (1976)

So far we’ve covered Canadians and children’s music but we haven’t yet covered Canadians doing children’s music. Until now, that is. Recently I was driving my eleven-year-old daughter to school and in a fit of nostalgia, she wanted to listen to the old Raffi record in the car’s CD changer.Read More


Charles Lloyd Quartet – Rabo de Nube (2008)

For more than forty years, Charles Lloyd has been the small combo leader making distinctively impressionistic and soulful kind of small combo jazz. His tenor’s delicate, almost alto-like timbre is instantly recognizable from just a single note. His prolific periods of the late sixties and since the late eighties haveRead More


Totem> – Solar Forge (2008)

I’ve got that itch again. It’s an itch that manifests itself whenever I listen to music with form, predictability and harmony for too long. Yes, folks, it’s time to cleanse the soul with some good, gut punching whack jazz, and Solar Forge by Totem> is the elixir. Totem> (yes, theRead More


One Track Mind: Jeff Lorber Fusion, "Galaxian" (1981)

Last year I put funk fusioneer Jeff Lorber on a short list of guilty pleasures of mine. Sometimes I wonder if that was justified giving him such a back-handed compliment. I mean, Lorber’s got chops to spare and his music makes me feel good most every time I listen toRead More


El Madmo – El Madmo (2008)

The music of Norah Jones is the elephant in the living room here at Something Else! that we probably can’t ignore forever. Her brand of country-flavored jazz had given millions of people in our age demographic a reason to buy their first CD in years. Still, we’ve resisted chatting herRead More


Art Pepper – Unreleased Art, Vol III: The Croydon Concert May 14, 1981 (2008)

The story of Art Pepper’s remarkable emergence from the abyss of drug addiction and incarceration is one of the most uplifting stories among jazz greats, amongst stories that have more often ended tragically. His comeback was not only complete, but had even exceeded his earlier peak. For the last fiveRead More

Scrapomatic - 'Sidewalk Caesars' (2008)

Scrapomatic – ‘Sidewalk Caesars’ (2008)

Scrapomatic’s third album ‘Sidewalk Caesars’ once again brought the spirit to mid-20th century folk blues to the early 21st century.


Dixon-Rhyne Project – Reinvention (2008)

Here’s a case of “old school meets new school.” Saxophonist Rob Dixon, who we earlier introduced as a key player in Derrick Gardner’s Jazz Prophets, is another Indianapolis-based jazz talent who’s been getting notice since the mid-nineties as an up and comer for both his playing and composing. Hammond B3Read More


One Track Mind: The Allman Brothers Band "Melissa" (1972)

Long before I was able to digest the epic, twenty-five minute meandering noodlings of Dicky Betts and Duane Allman, I deeply dug the Allman Brothers’ “Melissa.” It’s a wistful, country-flavored ballad that was easy to learn how to play on a beat-up Yamaha acoustic guitar, and since it was oneRead More


Arthur Brown – The Voice Of Love (2008)

From the God Of Hellfire to an Angel Of Love? That’s the one-hit wonder from 1968 who brought us that singularly psychedelic, bombastic classic “Fire.” Brown had been mostly out of the public focus since then, but one of rock’s most flashy and colorful characters never faded. Nah, he wasRead More