The 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, “Christmas ’57” (2022): One Track Mind
Here is a light-hearted new Christmas ditty from the 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, based on a John Hughes short story that gave rise to the classic film ‘Christmas Vacation.’
Here is a light-hearted new Christmas ditty from the 1957 Tail-Fin Fiasco, based on a John Hughes short story that gave rise to the classic film ‘Christmas Vacation.’
Released 15 years ago this week, Levon Helm’s ‘Dirt Farmer’ was so determinedly rustic that it made the Band sound like sleek electronica.
Kirk Knuffke and Michael Bisio’s instinctual interaction on ‘For You I Don’t Want To Go’ makes their duets much more than just an exchange of chops; it’s a very personal engagement of two souls painting musical art together.
Ivo Perelman and Matthew Shipp both thrive on finding different partners with which to exchange fresh ideas, but they always return to this special duo.
Not many people can create music that strongly evokes the sounds of a century ago but remains experimental. That comes naturally to Ross Hammond.
Released 15 years ago today, the heavily praised ‘Raising Sand’ doesn’t sound like either Robert Plant or Alison Krauss – and that’s a good thing.
With Trevor Dunn and Danny Piechocki now backing him, Shane Parish returns to his Ahleuchatistas re-invigorated and ‘Expansion’ more than justifies the return of this creatively nonconformist band.
With ‘Midnight Crisp,’ trumpet ace Takuya Kuroda once again creates music that makes new converts to jazz from the young and gives long-time jazzheads a fresh new perspective on an old genre.
As ‘One More, Please’ makes evident, Tim Berne and Matt Mitchell can keep their collaboration going for a long time because their collaboration never moves beyond the discovery phase.
John Escreet’s first trio album ‘Seismic Shift’ is that rare record where both massive chops and innovative harmonic ideas both come in spades.