Big Star – #1 Record and Radio City (2014)
As brilliant as Alex Chilton no doubt was, there’s more to Big Star.
As brilliant as Alex Chilton no doubt was, there’s more to Big Star.
This early take on “Dark Horse” is part of an exciting group of previously unheard moments featured in the ‘George Harrison: The Apple Years 1968-75’ box.
Unbent by the years, DeYoung reclaims one of his best early Styx songs.
The gold-selling album also marked the debut of a future prog legend.
Times change, members change, but Deep Purple remains.
He talks the language of those his age, but in a way that transcends eras.
A perfectly calibrated tribute, one full of broken Stonesy grandeur.
Heartfelt and elegant, this is a new swamp-pop standard in the making.
George Harrison’s catalog, even more than a decade after his death, is widely underappeciated outside of the radio hits, a grievous thing.
He’s adding intriguing new layers to the age-old idea of blues singing.