Articles by: Nick DeRiso


Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers – Git It, Beau Jocque! (1995)

NICK DERISO: Best to fasten your seltbelts, and put your trays in the upright position. “Git It” is a frenetic, fun-filled journey, this breathless moment of in-concert glory that comes and goes so fast that it remains sadly emblematic of the meteoric rise of Beau Jocque himself. During the lastRead More

Weather Report - Weather Report (1971): On Second Thought

Weather Report – Weather Report (1971): On Second Thought

This is perhaps Weather Report’s most honest record. You just have to lean in closer to appreciate it.


Sonny Boy Williamson II with Eric Clapton, Willie Dixon and Otis Spann – In Europe (1995)

A rakish character, to be sure, Sonny Boy Williamson II wore a bowler hat and custom-made two-tone three-piece suit, often regaled the crowds with a hands-free harp solo, even took the name of a once-more famous predecessor in order to jump start his career. Williamson, then, was the perfect AmericaRead More

More Perfect Playlists: Denny Laine and Wings

More Perfect Playlists: Denny Laine and Wings

Denny Laine — Fab, one time removed? — will forever be the other guy in Wings, the Paul McCartney-led 1970s successor band to the Beatles. Even if that belies Laine’s important earlier contributions to the Moody Blues (“Go Now,” a Wings concert staple), his occasional takeout moment with Paul’s bandRead More

Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis - 'Live from Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC' (2008): Movies

Willie Nelson and Wynton Marsalis – ‘Live from Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC’ (2008): Movies

Wynton Marsalis and Willie Nelson shared a stage in one of the most satisfyingly offbeat pairings from a regimentally segregated musical era.


Frank Sinatra (1915-1998): An Appreciation

NICK DERISO: Frank Sinatra, 10 years gone, would have been 93 this month. His mystery still lingers with me, as does the memory of a concert — one of Sinatra’s last — when he recaptured all of that complexity. Sinatra was both a pawn to his past and the kingRead More


Queen Sarah Saturday – Weave (1993)

by Nick DeRiso Coming as this debut rock release did, amidst the mid-1990s’ copy-cat grungery, it’s still a wonder “Weave” is any good at all. Chalk that up to Queen Sarah’s ceaseless woodshedding, said then to take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day in the basement ofRead More


Rolling Stones ’90s Songs That Don’t Suck: Gimme Five

by Nick Deriso There was no reason to believe that the Rolling Stones, 30 years into their dangerously debauched rock career, would make anything worth a damn out of the 1990s. In fact, the preceding decade — one in which, by far, the Stones’ best new thing was actually aRead More


Rahsaan Roland Kirk, “Ain’t No Sunshine” (1971): One Track Mind

For all his eccentricities, Rahsaan Roland Kirk could be a staunchly sensitive interpreter. This terrific Bill Withers cover is but one example.


Movies: Come Together: A Night for John Lennon’s Words and Music (2008)

by Nick DeRiso “Come Together,” a concert first envisioned as a benefit to raise anti-violence awareness through the work of John Lennon, was scheduled to be held on Oct. 2, 2001, at New York City’s famed Radio City Music Hall. Then came Sept. 11. This rangy event, featuring recorded snippetsRead More