Articles by: Fred Phillips

How 'The Chosen Few' Put Judas Priest's Huge Impact in Perspective

How ‘The Chosen Few’ Put Judas Priest’s Huge Impact in Perspective

This compilation arrived 10 years ago today with few surprises for diehard Judas Priest fans. The intriguing part was who chose which song – and why.

How Savatage's 'Streets: A Rock Opera' Provided a Life-Changing Moment

How Savatage’s ‘Streets: A Rock Opera’ Provided a Life-Changing Moment

A key track from Savatage’s ‘Streets: A Rock Opera,’ released 30 years ago this week, made all the difference in the world for one troubled fan.

Why I Used to Hate Metallica's 'Black Album' (But Don't Anymore)

Why I Used to Hate Metallica’s ‘Black Album’ (But Don’t Anymore)

The Black Album arrived 30 years ago today, hurtling Metallica into the mainstream. It felt like something sacred had been taken away.

Anti-Mortem / Scattered Hamlet, July 25, 2021: Shows I’ll Never Forget

Anti-Mortem / Scattered Hamlet, July 25, 2021: Shows I’ll Never Forget

Live music was back, Anti-Mortem was back and, for at least a few hours, all was right with the world.

Avatar, Amaranthe, Soilwork + Others: Fred Phillips' Best of 2020 Hard Rock and Metal

Avatar, Amaranthe, Soilwork + Others: Fred Phillips’ Best of 2020 Hard Rock and Metal

This year has been lousy for a lot of reasons, but as this Best of 2020 list shows, hard rock and heavy metal were not among them.

Durbin, "The Prince of Metal" from 'The Beast Awakens' (2020): One Track Mind

Durbin, “The Prince of Metal” from ‘The Beast Awakens’ (2020): One Track Mind

Yes, Durbin came from ‘American Idol’ – and yes, I’m banging my head and throwing horns with a big, stupid grin on my face because it’s glorious.

Amaranthe – 'Manifest' (2020)

Amaranthe – ‘Manifest’ (2020)

At times, Amaranthe’s ‘Manifest’ is so poppy that I feel almost embarrassed to crank it up, but then it swings around and punches you square in the face.

Anti-Mortem, "Old Washita / STFU" (2020): One Track Mind

Anti-Mortem, “Old Washita / STFU” (2020): One Track Mind

Anti-Mortem’s “Old Washita” and “STFU” have given me more joy lately than is probably sane and healthy for an adult.

Avatar – 'Hunter Gatherer' (2020)

Avatar – ‘Hunter Gatherer’ (2020)

I’m not sure what made me click on ‘Child’ from ‘Hunter Gatherer’ after steadfastly ignoring Avatar for years, but I’m glad that I did.

The Reality of Alice Cooper's Brutal Planet' Made It Perhaps His Scariest LP

The Reality of Alice Cooper’s Brutal Planet’ Made It Perhaps His Scariest LP

Alice Cooper’s ‘Brutal Planet” arrived 20 years ago this month like a gut punch, setting up as a kind of morality play set to metal.