‘Because I sing better? Get more chicks?’: The Beach Boys’ Mike Love on his rivalry with Mick Jagger

More than four decades after the Beach Boys battled with the Rolling Stones for paisley-era chart primacy, Mike Love says there remains a friendly — well, maybe not even friendly — rivalry between himself and Mick Jagger.

“We respect each other,” Love says in this newly uploaded Q&A with Louise Palanker, “but there’s a certain built-in macho, cavalier disregard for each other — an affected pose.”

On paper at least, there’s no contest.

Along the way, Love and Co. have moved more than 100 million records. The Stones, meanwhile, are said to have sold twice that. Jagger’s best-selling album ever was the 12-times platinum Rolling Stones hits set Hot Rocks 1964–1971, while the Beach Boys’ Endless Summer compilation went three-times platinum. Heck, there was even a faithful rendition of “Jumpin’ Jack Flash” on the tour that produced 1973’s The Beach Boys in Concert.

But, it’s not about record sales, or cover tunes. Not this time.

Pressed, Love says: “No, it’s not jealousy. You think he’s jealous of me? Why? Because I sing better? Get more chicks?”

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  1. Mike Love = a joke.

  2. Who is this guy?

  3. As a Beach Boys’ fan I am one of the large percentage who detest the lead singer of the band. He is a complete loon. However, he is also responsible for writing lyrics to some of the most famous tunes in pop music history and whilst the article seems to big up sales rather than musical ability, only a complete moron would suggest that musically The Stones are superior than The Beach Boys. Brian Wilson, alone, has more creative musical talent than all the Stones put together and has been dubbed by Sir George Martin as the greatest living pop genius. In summing up, Beach Boys rule…..Mike Love is an a$$!

  4. Mark Saleski says:

    did he really say “chicks”? i mean, how old is he?? yeesh.

  5. I love the Beach Boys, always have, always will. That includes much of Mike Love’s work with the band. However, this guy’s ego still doesn’t allow him to understand that he is NOT the reason The Beach Boys are musical icons. Brian Wilson is. Did he forget that when he “fired” Brian, Al ,and David after the tour last summer? What an ass!

  6. Mike Love gets more woman than Mick? I suppose he thinks his 409 is still the fastest carm on the streets too!

  7. I hate it when little pieces of conversations are presented as if they’re complete interviews.
    I’m not a fan of Love’s, but I think he may have been joking in his last sentence. He’s a married man and he’s 72 yrs old. He’s not getting any “chicks” anymore. So I think the whole sentence was probably a joke. However, I can believe that he might still have a rivalry with Jagger, as ridiculous as that is after all these years. Grow up, gentlemen.

  8. Bryan Russell had a rivalry with Michael Jordan too….just sayin’