Kiss co-founder Paul Stanley will continue a very busy period that’s included the new studio album Monster and their smash tour alongside Motley Crue with a planned autobiography.
Stanley, speaking with Nikki Sixx on the Motley Crue bassist’s radio show, was asked to talk about the differences between his book and the stacks of other similar tomes out there.
“Everybody will tell you: My book is brutally honest,” Stanley tells Sixx. “It’s a history lesson in music, but it’s also the history of somebody taking themselves and making themselves into something they weren’t. Taking a not-so-great deck of cards, and winning at poker.”
The Kiss frontman, who was born Stanley Harvey Eisen in Manhattan and attended New York City’s High School of Music and Art, has composed a number of the band’s most memorable tunes — including “Rock and Roll All Nite,” “I Was Made for Lovin’ You,” “Shout It Out Loud,” “Lick It Up,” “Detroit Rock City,” “Tears are Falling” and “God of Thunder,” among others.
“It’s funny,” Stanley says, “at this point, with the three other guys from the original line up having written books, it’s kind of like: ‘Have you all said your piece? OK — now let me tell you what happened.'”
Original Kiss drummer Peter Criss, of course, is the latest to to publish a memoir, called Makeup To Breakup. While Stanley had no specific criticism for that book, he said he was well aware of the pitfalls of trying to tell your own story in words.
“Autobiographies, for the most part are like writing a love letter to yourself,” Stanley tells Sixx. “I mean, George Orwell said that the autobiography is the most outrageous form of fiction. You know, how objective can you be when you are writing about yourself? I’ve seen people around me write books, and somehow they are always at the center of everything that happened.”
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