Half Notes: Paul McCartney – The Space Within US DVD (2006)

by Tom Johnson

Paul McCartney has managed to document each of his more recent tours, yet insists on releasing them not as actual concert videos but more as documentaries of the show. This would be fine if he’d do as others have done, such as Peter Gabriel with Still Growing Up, and put the unedited live footage together as a single show, but he doesn’t.

Instead what he releases is a montage of concert footage mixed with interviews of him, his band, and various celebrities. This is frustrating. I can see the point of not wanting to always release straight concert recordings because there’s also a story behind each tour that doesn’t get told only by seeing the music, but the fans sometimes just want to hear and watch the music.

Regardless, if you, like I, want to get a document of McCartney taking the material from his — yes, I’m actually going to say it — best ever solo album, Chaos And Creation In The Backyard, on tour, this is your only option.

Half Notes is a quick-take music feature on Something Else! Reviews, presented whenever the mood strikes us.

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Tom Johnson

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