Joe Mandica, “My Heart Belongs” from A Thousand Miles (2016): One Track Mind

Snipped from Joe Mandica’s banner 2007 album A Thousand Miles, “My Heart Belongs” now features an added dimension with its great video accompaniment of the singer, songwriter and guitarist’s adorable nieces and nephews, who clearly have all the right rock star moves down pat.

Hopping with high-grade power pop properties, “My Heart Belongs” strongly affirms Joe has what it takes to write hit songs. Blinking guitar figures, frisky hooks, bleating horns, ringing piano work, and Joe’s luminous vocals fill every inch of this dynamic tune grinning with elation.

A Southern-fried soul frequency also trickles through the performance, making it sound something like a marvelous mating of Bill Lloyd with Bill Deal and the Rhondels. Easy to sing along with and fun to dance to even if you claim two left feet, Joe Mandica’s “My Heart Belongs” is the epitome of the perfect pop rock song.

If you care to hear more from Joe — and I am sure you do — not only should you invest in a copy of “A Thousand Miles,” but check out the Initiative. Joe Mandica is a member of the Australian-based band, and their debut 2013 album The Initiative is crammed to the nth degree with melodically cool tunes.

Beverly Paterson

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