Teitur – Story Music (2013)

Teitur is the work of 36-year-old Faroese singer-songwriter Teitur Lassen, who returns with his sixth album Story Music — a very dark project, just right for winter evenings. Melancholy and the gloomy atmosphere come hand in hand, but Teitur always offers a spark of hope buried within his music. You just have to find it.

That starts with almost pop-sounding opener “Hopeful,” basically a reverb-laden piano tune, is powered by Teitur Lassen’s high and clear voice — with a touch of harp creeping in, here and there. However, “If You Wait” is more turbulent, mixing individual words with simultaneous string sounds. A folksy acoustic guitar arrives towards the end, then an orchestra and a massive choir, before Teitur finishes the track with his gentle voice. The results are some how minimal and complex at the same time.

Story Music, in fact, is dotted with a very diverse sound palette consisting of guitars, vibraphone, banjo, strings and brass sets. Songs seem to be rippling out in front of you, with nothing particularly notable happening, and then you notice the sparkling instrumentation. Teitur will occasionally let these atmospherics envelop you without the distraction of words — and when he does add lyrics, he often sings in a thrillingly unconventional manner. Lassen prefers the music to speak for itself, appearing only when necessary.

Of course, an album boasting this much tranquil intensity can be exhausting. It’s certainly the wrong choice if you are in a holiday party mood. Instead, Story Music can best be described as headphone music. The best way to enjoy it is with plenty of time and patience, as the perfect soundtrack for relaxation.

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Mike Dostert

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