Archive for January 4th, 2021

Catherine Sikora and Ethan Winogrand - 'Things To Do In Paris' (2020)

Catherine Sikora and Ethan Winogrand – ‘Things To Do In Paris’ (2020)

A lethal combination of instincts and chops were required to pull off the improv performance ‘Things To Do In Paris’ so well; Catherine Sikora and Ethan Winogrand have plenty of both.

'Wheatfield Empire: The Listener's Guide to the Guess Who' (2020): Books

‘Wheatfield Empire: The Listener’s Guide to the Guess Who’ (2020): Books

The beauty of ‘Wheatfield Empire’ is how Robert Lawson delves into the Guess Who with such a human touch. But how does he know all this amazing stuff?