Archive for November 23rd, 2015

The Beatles' Love was a worthy concept not taken far enough

The Beatles’ Love was a worthy concept not taken far enough

The Beatles’ Love, released this month in 2006, was at its best when George Martin got outside of convention – but that didn’t happen nearly enough.


Ivo Perelman, Mat Maneri + Tanya Kalmanovitch – Villa Lobos Suite (2015)

Ivo Perelman came up with a very logical way to follow up the successful pairing with violist Mat Maneri titled ‘Two Men Walking’…by adding one talented woman violist to the two men for this latest walk.


Rockin’ Horse, “The Biggest Gossip in Town” (1971): One Track Mind

Pure of heart and hopelessly hummable, Rockin’ Horse’s “The Biggest Gossip In Town” is pop rock perfection.