Archive for June, 2015


Renato D’Aiello – Satori (2015)

Renato D’Aiello’s ‘Satori’ surprised me in all the best ways good music can, and I warmed more to it with each play – and there have been many.


Ivo Perelman and Whit Dickey – Tenorhood (2015)

Ivo Perelman ha s meeting of the minds with drummer Whit Dickey in exploring what is possible on a tenor saxophone thanks to the innovations of his forebears.

Toto, “Hold the Line” from Toto (1978): Toto Tuesdays

Toto, “Hold the Line” from Toto (1978): Toto Tuesdays

David Paich has said Toto’s “Hold the Line” came together quickly, yet one wouldn’t know it because the song has so many layers.


Nick Hempton, “Change For A Dollar [Catch and Release #8]” (2015): One Track Mind

Here’s a review of the last song from Nick Hempton’s ‘Catch and Release’ series. “Change For A Dollar” features his base quartet plus tenorman Jerry Weldon.


Jethro Tull’s Mick Abrahams – Revived! (2015)

Founding Jethro Tull guitarist Mick Abrahams is back after a health scare with an endlessly diverse album featuring many of his famous friends.