Archive for January 11th, 2015


Andy Jackson – Signal to Noise (2014)

Andy Jackson’s lengthy association with Pink Floyd opens ‘Signal to Noise’ up to easy comparison. But there’s more to his flinty, individual vision.


Final memory with John Lennon led Julian to Steven Tyler: ‘He is a very insightful man’

When Julian Lennon was looking to finish ‘Everything Changes,’ he returned to a last drive with his late father — and Aerosmith on the radio.


Hamir Atwal + Ben Goldberg – Clarinet and Drums (2015)

‘Clarinet and Drums,’ from Hamir Atwal and Ben Goldberg, succeeds on the simpatico and sheer skill of its participants.

The Eddies, "Together" + "Nuclear Boy" (2015): One Track Mind

The Eddies, “Together” + “Nuclear Boy” (2015): One Track Mind

New music from the Eddies is always welcome, and these two songs continue to clarify the Southern California trio’s value and importance.


Nick Cave, “Avalanche” from Black Sails on Starz (2015): One Track Mind

Stripped down to its girders, Nick Cave’s new interpretation of Leonard Cohen’s “Avalanche” takes on an epic, swirling sadness.