John Dieterich, Ben Goldberg, Scott Amendola – Short-Sighted Dream Colossus (2014)
They find plenty of common ground in this improvisational, experimental space.
They find plenty of common ground in this improvisational, experimental space.
It was a period, he says, when “the expression ‘musical differences’ hadn’t been invented.”
The gold-selling album also marked the debut of a future prog legend.
Not long after writing this, Nicks finally checked herself into the Betty Ford Clinic.
These selections just might surprise you, and in a good way, too.
Times change, members change, but Deep Purple remains.
Don’t be surprised if there are, well, a few surprises at their shows.
“If you go to Wikipedia,” he quips, “that’s the kind of thing you’re going to hear.”
Remembering a drop-dead gorgeous tone poem that was so emblematic.
He talks the language of those his age, but in a way that transcends eras.